Saturday, May 8, 2010

Choosing a Trading Platform

Discount brokers provide traders with a platform for their computers in which to make buying and selling transaction for their exchange. The platform consists of a software program that is loaded onto the trader's computer and should be available for use twenty four hours a day, six days a week for trading and access to the market. It should be reliable and fast for making real time transactions.
Some discount brokers offer a service package that is available through the internet with the trader having access through a login and password. In this case it is more like a web service than a software application. The discount broker will need to ensure this web application is dependable and readily available for traders. If for any reason this service is not functioning properly then the trader will move on to another discount broker who offers better services and connectivity.
Other discount brokers provide a software application for downloading to the trader's computer. This can include the same type of features as that of a web service but includes additional plug-ins or capabilities for charting, trending and other reporting to help the trader with analysis of market trends for better decision making. The software application platform will also have a direct internet connection that must be available at all times with fast real time access to the exchanges and markets for quick buying and selling transactions.
If for any reason these varying types of platforms have problems or stop working then you will need to be able to connect with the discount brokers directly by telephone in order to get the problem resolved or perform your buying and selling trades for you over the telephone so you do not miss out on your transactions and trading.
The discount brokers should have a customer support line that is answered immediately to address your needs whether it is about a computer related problem or an internet connection. If the discount broker does not offer this fast in person response then you should find a discount broker that does offer immediate telephone support.

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